Decluttering Tips from a professional organiser!

Decluttering Tips from a professional organiser!

Here are my top decluttering Tips coming from a professional organiser!  


Your first port of call is to have a why. Ask yourself why you want to declutter. Is is to have more space? more friends/family time? Perhaps you want to be able to host guests? Or maybe just want to feel more clear headed? 

Whatever your reason, write it down, stick on the fridge or a place that you can see! This will keep you motivated and on track throughout the decluttering process!


2. Declutter FIRST, Organise LATER 

So many people see the perfect pinterest posts and go ahead and buy all the storage solutions...without knowing what storage solutions is actually needed! You may already have what you a top tip is to just get started with decluttering first. You will get ideas as you go, you will find pieces that you can use on your journey and you can keep a pen and paper nearby so that you can write ideas down, inspiration and a shopping list of the items that you may actually need (remeber to write down measurements!) 


3. The three box system

A classic in the decluttering world. KEEP, SELL, DONATE. 

This box system will make the decluttering journey a lot simpler, easier and quicker. 

Its simple really, one box for the stuff you will keep, one box for the stuff you want to get rid of but profit from (sell) and the last box for donating/dumping. Once this last box is full, it needs to go to the charity store asap so you dont then start unboxing it! 


4.Questions to ask yourself. 

  • Have I used this within the last 6 months?
  • Do I actually need this?
  • Will I have realistic space for this?


Continually ask yourself these questions throught the decluttering process so that you only keep what is necessary.


5. Focus on one space at a time 

Decluttering is an overwhelming task. Do yourself a favour and just focus on one area at a time. Be that the whole kitchen or simply the cupboard/pantry. Do one area and then move on to the next.

Decluttering didnt happen in a day and we all have other responsibilities that we also attend to.

My tip would be to write down all the areas you want to work on and set yourself days/times you can work on them. Slow and steady wins the race! 



This isnt really a decluttering tip, but I wanted to fit this in here somehow.

When organisaing your space (after the deluttering is done)...think about furniture that doubles up as a storage. An ottoman bed, a storage footstool and tidy aesthetic baskets under the sofa. These are all ways that are stylish and effective. 


I hope this posts helped you in some way and if it did, please be sure to comment below and let me know some of your own decluttering/organising tips! Id love to know them! 

If you want to know more then be sure to check out my youtbe video about decluttering too! 


Until next week! 

MC design mama 

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