Hosting a Galentines Party

Hosting a Galentines Party

In todays post I am hosting a Galentines Party and showing you how I did it! 

Todays post is a little more like a diary. I hosted a galentines party night in with me and the girls and it was a hit! Heres how I did it! 


  1. I decided on a theme. Think pink, red, hearts and bows, they are all classics. I just went for any girly theme I could find in the shops. Lots of red, pink and hearts! Bows are huge at the moment too... Here are some pieces I bought from Amazon for the decor!





2. I also decided on our activities. Think candle making, pottery painting, canvas art. We agreed on jewellery making and candle painting. You can get some great bits for these online but also head to Flying Tiger and The Range for some bargains! I will link a few faves below! 



3. Next up would be to set everything up for a great day/night! As with all my events, whatever I can do the night before, I will. This includes balloons and decor, putting together party bags or crafting stations. I want to set up as much as I can the day before so that the day of, all I have to think about is food and enjoying the atmosphere. Here is how I set up! 


4. Lastly, its needless to say...sit back, relax and enjoy some quality time with the girls! Stick a movie on, music in the background and chat the night away!

 Take a look at some of my videos to see how our night went!



Quick note, you can do this with a significant other as well as your kiddos if you fancied a different kind of night! 

So whether you are galentining, valentinings or what I like to call Mamatinings! I hope this post helped you and gave you some inspiration! 

Happy Valentines! 


MC Design Mama

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